We Buy Maps
At Neatline, we are always on the look-out for new maps.
We want to engage with you. We want to learn about your interests and share our passion for all things map-related. So if you have an old map that you think might be worth something, or which you simply wish to show to someone who will be just as passionately curious about it as you, please do not hesitate to reach out!
You are always welcome to contact us by email or phone with any questions that you may have. We are happy to give you with the focused feedback we can, and will to interested parties provide both our best assessment of market value, as well as a concrete offer on your map.
Inquiries made by email are usually the most efficient way to start. In order for us to have the best possible conditions to assess your map, please include as many photos/scans of your map as possible (decent cell phone pictures are perfectly fine), as well as the below information.
Other information to include with your map
- Any title or headline text that the map may carry.
- Any names you see that might indicated the mapmaker.
- Dimensions (including dimensions of the printed area if much smaller than sheet).
- Any information or documentation you may have about where the map comes from.

In the case of a sale, we will provide the seller with a receipt to document the transaction. Neatline Antique Maps nevertheless operates on a premise of full confidentiality. This means that we will not share information about inquiries, sales, or purchases with any third party, unless compelled to do so by law.
We further commit to sharing the full extent of our knowledge with customers. This includes our sincere assessment of a map’s potential sales value, so that sellers can judge for themselves whether our offer is fair or not.
We naturally reserve the right to respectfully decline any map offered to us. At the end of the day, we are professional map dealers and we are of course only interested in items that we believe we can sell. The determining factors are often things like rarity, historical importance, aesthetic appearance, and condition. Should we decline to buy your map, we will happily provide you with our best ideas for where to go next.
Next Steps To Selling Your Map
Email us at michael@neatlinemaps.com
Or text or call 1-415-717-9764
We’ll reach out to you