An unrecorded and very unusual Late Ottoman Historical Map.

[Map of the (Ottoman) Vilayet of Ioannina and the part of Greece neighboring the frontier, prepared by the General Staff]

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Cartographer(s): Mehmet Nafiz
Date: (1291 Hijri Calendar) 1874 / 1875
Place: Istanbul
Dimensions: 32.3 x 22 inches
Condition Rating: VG
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Yanya Vilayetiyle Yunanistan’ın Hududa Mücavir Olan Kısmının Erkan-ı Harbiyye Dairesi’nde Tanzim ve Tersim Kılınan Bir Kıt’a Haritasıdır

This highly scarce large-format topographical wall map of Central Greece or Thessaly was produced by Mehmet Nafiz of the Ottoman General Staff in 1874 or 1875. Focusing on the military and political history of the region, the map constitutes an unconventional cartographic survival: it reflects a yearning for past glories and uncertainties over the tenuous Ottoman hold on southeastern Europe.

The map shows the Greek Peninsula from Katerini and Mount Olympus in the north to Athens and northern Peloponnese in the south. It details the region as a historical landscape of conflict and battle. Twenty-six historical locations are identified on the map and described in the legend on the left. The list commences with sites pertaining to decisive events in Antiquity, including the legendary Greek wars with the Persians and the rise of Alexander the Great. The list of historical events extends into the Ottoman conquest of the region in the 15th and 16th centuries, as well as more recent (19th century) battles against independence-minded Greek “bandits.” A second numbered legend lists 60 castles and fortifications in Central Greece. 

In addition to these historical notes, the map also serves as a propaganda tool meant to convey Ottoman legitimacy during a period of profound social and political upheaval. Given the mapmaker’s affiliation and the deliberate merger of history, geography, and propaganda, we can assume that this map was made to educate Ottoman officers and administrators serving in the region.

In the lower-left corner, we are given the map’s title, framed by an ornamental cartouche. Translated from the Ottoman, it reads: “Map of the Vilayet of Ioannina and the part of Greece neighboring the frontier, prepared by the General Staff.” In the graticule framing below the cartouche, the mapmaker is identified: Erkan-ı Harbiyye hattatı Mehmed Nazif tahrir eylemiştir (Calligrapher of the General Staff Mehmed Nazif). This attribution confirms a connection to the Ottoman military that helps us explain the map’s creation. 


Transliteration and Translation of the Legend at Left

  1. Eğriboz. Şehr-i mezkurun ehemmiyetine mebni miladiyeden 491 sene mukaddem Persler feth eylediği gibi Hicriyenin 876 [1471 AD] senesinde Ebulfeth Sultan Mehmed Han [Fatih Sultan Mehmed] zabt u teshir eylemiştir.

[Euboea. Due to the importance of the city, Persians conquered it in 491 BC. Similarly, Mehmed the Conqueror conquered it in 876 (Hijri) (1471 AD).]


  1. Maraton Sahili. Tarih-i miladiyeden 491 sene mukaddem Miltiyades nam Atina Seraskeri işbu Maraton sahilinde Eğriboz’dan bahren gelmiş olan Perslerin bir fırkasına galebe  eylemiştir.

[Marathon Coast. In 491 BC, an Athenian commander named Miltiyades defeated a group of Persians that had travelled by sea from Eğriboz on the coast of Marathon.]


  1. Termopil Boğazı. İşbu boğaz Yunanistan’ın kapısı olduğundan miladiyeden 481 sene mukaddem muhafızı bulunan Leonidas nam İsparta Kralı Persler tarafından vuku bulan hücuma mukavemetle telef olmuştur.

[Thermopylae Strait. Since this strait was the gateway to Greece, in 481 B.C. the Spartan king Leonidas, who was guarding it, perished in an attack by the Persians.]


  1. Salamin (Salamis) Boğazı. Persler Atina’yı zabt ettikten sonra Yunan gemileri mezkûr boğazda Perslerin donanmalarını bozmuşlardır.

[Strait of Salamis. After the Persians captured Athens, Greek ships disrupted the Persian fleet in this strait.]


  1. Plate Sahrası. Sahra-yı mezkurda Paozaniyas ve Aristid naman Yunan seraskerleri miladdan 479 sene mukaddem Perslerin bir kolordusuna galebe eylemişlerdir.

[Plate Field. Greek commanders named Paozaniyas and Aristid defeated a Persian corps in 479 BC.] 


  1. Lokro Sahrası. Tiva [Thebai] seraskeri bulunan İpaminondas miladiden 362 sene mukaddem sahra-yı mezkurda Yunan ordusunu münhezim etmiştir.

[Locris. Epaminondas, commander of Thebes, defeated the Greek army on this field in 362 BC.]


  1. Alate. Makedonya Kralı Flipos miladiden 339 sene mukaddem mevki-i mezkuru müstahkem ordugâh ittihaz etmiş idi.

[Elateia. King Philippos [II] of Macedonia had made it a fortified camp in 339 BC.]


  1. Herona. Makedonya Kralı Flipos miladiden 338 sene mukaddem Yunan ordusunu perişan ederek zabt eylemiştir.

[Chaeronea. King Philippos of Macedonia defeated and captured the Greek army in 338 BC.]


  1. Tiva (Thebai). Mevki-i mezkurda miladiden 339 sene mukaddem Makedonya Kralı İskender-i Zülkarneyn Yunan eşkiyasını perişan eylemiştir.

[Thebes. It was here that the Macedonian King Alexander the Great defeated the Greek bandits in 339 BC (sic, should be 335).]


  1. Kinoskefalos. İşbu mahalde Flamininos nam Roma seraskeri miladiden 197 sene mukaddem Makedonya ve Yunan ordularını münhezim eylemiştir.

[Cynoscephalae. It was here that the Roman commander Flamininus defeated the Macedonian and Greek armies in 197 BC.]


  1. Farsala. Mahal-i mezkurda Jul [Sezar] nam Kayser-i Rumu miladdan 48 sene mukaddem Pompe nam Roma seraskerinin maiyetinde bulunan Cumhuriyet  ordusunu bozmuştur.

[Farsala. It was here that a Roman Caesar named Julius defeated the Republican army under the Roman commander Pompey in 48 BC.]


  1. Aktiyum. Sahil-i mezkûr karşısında August nam Kayser-i Rum’u miladın 31 senesinde Cumhuriyet tarafdaranıyla Mısırlıların donanmalarını bozup imparatorluğu kazanmıştır.

[Actium. It was against this coast that a Roman Caesar named Augustus won the empire in 31 AD (sic, should be BC) by defeating the navies of the Republicans and Egyptians.]


  1. Serfiçe. İşbu boğazlar Hicretin 799 [M. 1396] senesinde Yıldırım Beyazıd Han ordusu tarafından zabt olunmuştur.

[Nicopolis. These straits were captured by the army of Bayezid the Thunderbolt in the Hijri 799 (A.D. 1396).]


  1. Yenişehir. Şehr-i mezkûr dahi kezalik Yıldırım Beyazıd Han tarafından zabt olunmuştur.

[Larissa. This city was also captured by Bayezid the Thunderbolt.]


  1. Mora Boğazı. Mahal-i mezkure Mora’nın miftahı olup müstahkem olduğu halde Sultan Murad Han-ı sani Hicretin 845 [M.1441/1442] senesinde Yunan ordusuyla Avrupa ordusuna galebe ile zabt etmiştir.

[Strait of Peloponnese. Although this place, which is the key to the Peloponnese, was fortified, Sultan Murad II captured it by defeating the Greek army and the European army in the Hijri 845 (1441/1442 AD).]


  1. Atina. Mezkûr şehir ve kaleyi Moralılar ve Persler ve Romalılar ve bazı göçebe aşiretler ve Latinler aldıkları misillü Hicretin 831 [M.1427] senesinde Sultan Murad ve 876’da [M.1471/1472] Fatih zabt etmiştir.

[Athens. This city and fortress were captured by Moreans, Persians, Romans, some nomadic tribes, Latins, as well as Sultan Murad in the Hijri 831 [1427 AD] and Mehmet the Conqueror in the Hijri 876 (1471/1472 AD).]


  1. İnebahtı. İşbu kale 903 [M.1498] tarihinde Sultan Beyazıd-ı Veli’nin zamanında feth olunup ve Sultan Selim-i sani zamanında dahi liman-ı mezkurda Avrupa müttefik donanmalarıyla bahren azim muharebe olmuştur.

[Lepanto. The fortress was conquered in the Hijri 903 (1498 AD) (sic, should be 1499) during the reign of Sultan Bayezid II. During the reign of Sultan Selim II (r. 1566-1574), a great battle was fought in this harbor with the European allied navies at sea.]


  1. Korfu Adası. Mezkûr şehir ve kaleyi 944 [M.1537] senesinde Sultan Süleyman muhasara ettikten maada enfes Korfu ve Zante ve Ayamavro ve Kefalonya cezirelerine çok kere hücum etmişlerdir.

[Corfu Island. Sultan Suleiman besieged this city and castle in 944 AH (1537 AD), but also attacked the exquisite coasts of Corfu and Zante and Ayamavro (Lefkada) and Kefalonia many times.]


  1. Suli Dağ. İşbu dağ ahalisini Tepedelenli Ali Paşa muharebe ederek taht-ı inkıyad ve itaate almıştır.

[Souli Mountain. Inhabitants of the mountain were subjugated by Ali Pasha of Ioannina.]


  1. Preveze. Kale-i mezkureyi dahi Tepedelenli Ali Paşa Fransızlardan zabt eylemiştir.

[Preveza. Even this fortress was captured from the French by Ali Pasha of Ioannina.]


  1. Pildestid (?) Dağı. İşbu cebelde 1242 [M.1826/1827] tarihinde tecemmu eden eşkıyayı asakir-i Osmaniyeden Kırcalılar perişan eylemiştir.

[Pildestid (?) Mountain (near Athens). The bandits gathered on this mountain in the Hijri 1242 (1826/1827 A.D.) were ravaged by Kirdzhalis, one of the Ottoman soldiers.]


  1. Misolonki. Mezkûr kale derununda Yunan eşkıyası kapanıp azim muharebeden sonra Osmanlı ve Mısır asakiri hücum ederek zabt eylemişlerdir.

[Missolonghi. Greek bandits were closed in this fortress and after a great battle Ottoman and Egyptian troops attacked and captured it.]


  1. Dömeke Kalesi. 1273 [M.1856/1857] tarihinde kale-i mezkureyi Yunan eşkıyası muhasara etmiş ise de asakir-i şahane tarafından perişan edilmiştir.

[Domokos Castle. This castle was besieged by Greek bandits in Hijri 1273 (1856/1857 AD) but was destroyed by Ottoman soldiers.]


  1. Fener. Bu dahi.

[Fener. Same as above.]


  1. Platanya. 1273 [M.1856/1857] tarihinde asakir-i şahane mevki-i mezkurde tecemmu eden eşkıya-yı Yunaniyeyi münhezim ve perişan eylemişlerdir.

[Platania. In the Hijri 1273 (1856/1857 AD) Ottoman troops ravaged the Greek bandits gathered here.]


  1. Kalapka. Bu dahi.

[Kalapka. Same as above.]


Ottoman Greece – the context in which the map was created


Most of mainland Greece came under Ottoman control in the 15th century, following the fall of Constantinople and the subsequent subjugation of Thessaly and Peloponnese. The 19th century saw significant social, political, and legal transformations driven by external pressures, the Ottoman Empire’s internal challenges, and an emergent Greek nationalism. The Greek War of Independence (1821–1829) established an independent Greek state in 1830. Despite this victory, many ethnic Greeks remained under Ottoman dominion in territories such as Thessaly, Epirus, Crete, and Macedonia, creating a fervent irredentist movement known as the Megali Idea (Great Idea), which aimed to unite all Greeks into a single nation, thus reviving the Byzantine Empire.

Developments in the 1870s

The 1870s marked a period of increasing unrest within the Ottoman Empire, which was grappling with financial crises, nationalist uprisings, and constant European intervention. Within Greek-speaking regions, cultural and political nationalism flourished, supported by a growing bourgeoisie that sought to modernize education and maintain connections with the Kingdom of Greece. 

At the same time, the Greek population under Ottoman rule invested heavily in education and cultural development. Philanthropists like George Averoff (1815 – 1899) supported the establishment of schools and cultural institutions, fostering a strong sense of Hellenic identity. This period also saw the rise of newspapers and literary societies that circulated nationalist ideas, further preparing Greek communities for eventual liberation.

Being the product of an era of incredible political tension, our map is contextualized by several key events and trends:

  1. The Eastern Crisis: In 1875, the Ottoman Empire faced revolts in its Balkan territories, starting with the Herzegovina Uprising. These uprisings were fuelled by grievances over taxation and administrative corruption, symptoms of the Empire’s growing instability. Although the Balkan revolts were not Greek-led, they inspired hope among Greek nationalists for a broader weakening of Ottoman authority in the region.
  2. Crete and the Greek Cause: with its large Greek population, Crete was a frequent flashpoint for tensions. The island had experienced revolts in the 1860s, and in the 1870s, dissatisfaction with Ottoman rule remained high. Cretan leaders cultivated ties with the Kingdom of Greece, and 1875 marked another year of efforts to consolidate support for their eventual union.
  3. Political Developments in the Kingdom of Greece: The political unrest in the Ottoman territories was mirrored within the independent Greek state. In 1874, Charilaos Trikoupis, a pivotal figure in modern Greek politics, published his famous article“Who’s to Blame?” (Τις Πταίει) in which he criticized the king’s overreach and championed parliamentary democracy. This set the stage for reforms that would strengthen Greece’s position as a modern state capable of supporting its irredentist ambitions.
  4. European Influence: European powers, particularly Britain, France, and Russia, played a decisive role in shaping the Ottoman Empire’s trajectory. The Great Powers closely monitored the Balkans, with Russia seeking to assert influence over Orthodox Christians, including Greeks, while Britain aimed to maintain Ottoman territorial integrity to counter Russian expansion.

The latter half of the 19th century, particularly 1874–1875, saw the complex interplay of nationalist aspirations, Ottoman decline, and European geopolitics. While direct military conflicts between Greeks and Ottomans were absent in those specific years, the groundwork for future territorial changes and the eventual liberation of Thessaly (1881) and other regions was being laid. The map represents an Ottoman authority struggling to maintain its empire. Yet, in addition to being the product of stubborn and authoritarian colonialism, the map is a testament to the resilience and determination of the Greek people and their relentless pursuit of unity and independence.


Publication information and rarity

As mentioned above, this map was prepared by Mehmed Nafiz of the Ottoman General Staff in 1874 or 1875 (1291 AH). This is an especially early cartographic production in this style by the Ottoman General Staff; although other historical and educational maps exist in the Ottoman script, they generally date from after 1900, especially after 1910, as the empire unraveled.

We are unaware of any other examples of the present map in institutional collections, and it has no known market history.


Mehmet Nafiz

Mehmed Nazif (1846-1913) was a well-known Ottoman calligrapher and cartographer. The Ottoman State often employed him to prepare fine calligraphic inscriptions for architecture (e.g. the Yıldız Clock Tower in Istanbul), objects, and ceremonial garments. He also served as a cartographer for the Ottoman Army under the Erkân-ı Harbiye or General Staff Presidency (اركان حربيۀ عموميه). After the Minister of War, he was the highest-ranking officer in the Ottoman Army.

Condition Description

Segmented and laid on linen, with original slipcase.
