Charting Captain James Cook – 1790 world map with Cook’s three voyages and Hawaii (O-Why-hee).

Mappe Monde ou Carte Generale de L’ Univers D’Apres Une Proejction Nouvelle D’Une Sphere Ovale…


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SKU: NL-00684 Category:
Cartographer(s): Mathias Albrecht Lotter
Date: 1790
Place: Augsburg
Dimensions: 93 x 47 cm (38 x 18.5 in)
Condition Rating: VG


This attractive world map with an innovative ovoid projection has pretty much everything you could hope for on a late 18th century cartographic work. This important updated third edition delineates in clear detail the routes of numerous voyages of discovery, including all three of Captain James Cook’s tracks. Its publication met public demand for information about new discoveries.

A notable feature is that the Sandwich Islands are also labeled O-Why-hee, with a note that Captain Cook was killed there in 1779. Despite explorer’s routes and notations, the Pacific Northwest up to Alaska and the Bering Straight is still but a rough outline, and a mythical River of the West connects to the Great Lakes. No San Francisco or San Francisco Bay is shown.

Australia appears with a closed shoreline, but Tasmania is still marked as a peninsula.

Engraved by George Frederic Lotter.


Mathias Albrecht Lotter

Mathias Albrecht Lotter (Augusta, 1741 – 1810) was a German engraver and cartographer.

Condition Description

Mounted on original linen in 20 segments; folds into contemporary case. Some fraying, especially along the outer edge, and occasional browning and spots. Date written in upper corner.


Based on J.B.B. D'Anville's wall map of 1761.