Cold War-era Soviet Navy Nautical Chart of the northeastern coast of the Black Sea.

From the Port of Anapa to Dzhubga Bay, Soviet Navy Nautical Chart [От Порта Анапа до Бухты Джубга]

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SKU: NL-01452 Categories: , Tag:
Date: 1956
Place: Not listed
Dimensions: 100 x 76 cm (39 x 30 in)
Condition Rating: VG
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This nautical chart shows a portion of the northeastern coast of the Black Sea from Anapa to Dzhubga, both in Krasnodar Krai, passing by the port of Novorossiysk, at top-center here. The chart’s scale is 1:150000 at 44º N parallel and depths are given in meters. Cities and ports are shown on land with illustrations of important lighthouses and the approaches to Gelendzhik, Cape Chugovkopas, and Cape Doob. Red text under the title includes ‘warnings’ about difficulties and hazards in certain areas, while occasional printed and hand-written annotations correct or update information across the chart.

In both Tsarist and Soviet times, the famous Black Sea Fleet was headquartered at Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula, to the west of the area shown here. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Fleet became the source of a decades-long dispute (and occasional cooperation) between independent Ukraine and the Russian Federation, a dispute which was not resolved prior to the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014. As a result, much of the Russian Federation’s Black Sea Fleet ships and facilities had relocated to ports in Krasnodar Krai, including those shown here, though Russia’s actions since its seizure of Crimea suggest that this was a temporary relocation. 

This chart was printed in 1956, based on earlier Soviet naval maps, and then updated with handwritten annotations, dated to October 1960. It was produced by the Naval Map Factory (Картфабрикой ВМФ (Военно-морской флот) of the Soviet Navy and this is stated to be the edition of the Office of the Chief of the Hydrographic Service of the Navy (издание Управление начальника гидрографической службы Военно-Морского Флота).

Condition Description

Minor wear.
