The University and its environs: a bird’s-eye-view pictorial map of Hyde Park Chicago.

Hyde Park Illinois

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SKU: NL-00836 Categories: ,
Date: 1987
Place: Chicago
Dimensions: 61 x 89 cm (24 x 35 in)
Condition Rating: VG+
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This fabulous promotional bird’s-eye-view of Hyde Park, Illinois uses a clever perspective to highlight the neighborhood and exaggerate its proximity to downtown Chicago.

The view is snapshot in time, filled with the local businesses that made up the vibrant community, at the heart of which was and is The University of Chicago. Much has changed since the map was published in 1987, but many of features of Hyde Park remain timeless, including the University itself, Rockefeller Chapel, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robbie House, the many bookstores, and the Museum of Science and Industry.

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WorldCat OCLC (54383571) lists only two institutional holdings, at the UNiversity of Chicago and the University of Illinois at Chicago.