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- World, World War I and World War II
Le Chiavi Strategiche Della Guerra.
- $275
- A rare Italian mapping of World War II’s global battlefield.
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- World
Neueste Karte Der Erde Mit Rucksicht auf das Beurfniss des Handelstandes sowie fur den Unterricht An Lehr-Anstalten…
- $1,250
- A rare and updated world map from a pioneer in commerce- and industry-oriented cartography.
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- World
Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux Plans-Hemispheres ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes Les Parties De La Terre et de L’Eau, Suivant les Relations Les Plus Nouvelles.
- $4,500
- Jaillot’s famous double-hemisphere in original color and with gold highlights.
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- World
[With Independent Texas] Mappemonde en deux hémisphères.
- $600
- A definitive overview of world geography at the dawn of the Victorian Age.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, World
LIFE. The New Portrait of Our Planet.
- $225
- Unveiling Earth's Hidden Depths: LIFE Magazine's Revolutionary Look at the Vast and Mysterious Terrain Beneath our Oceans.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, World
[Dr. Seuss] This Is Ann….. She Drinks Blood!
- $1,450
- Discover Dr. Seuss's unique wartime creation: an engaging map that combines his iconic illustrations with life-saving information on malaria prevention for soldiers.
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- World
Mappe-Monde, ou Carte Generale Du Monde; Dessignee en deux plan-Hemispheres par le Sr. Sanson d’Abbeville, Geographe Ordinaire de la Majeste…1651.
- $1,650
- A seminal first! Nicholas Sanson’s double-hemisphere world map from 1651.
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- World
Chart of the World on Mercator’s Projection.
- $275
- To the Edge of the World.
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- World
Mappe-monde géo-hydrographique, ou description générale du globe terrestre et aquatique en deux plans hémisphères.
- $2,800
- Gerald Valck’s world map in splendid original color.
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- World
[World] Continentem Dudum Notam Componebat & Continentem Noviter Detectam Componebat.
- $6,500
- The first printed map to use a full globular projection, and the first world map to accurately depict the course of the Rio Grande flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.
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- Italy, World, World War I and World War II
Grande Carta del Pacifico.
- $475
- Mussolini’s Propaganda Map of the Pacific Ocean.