Jan Huygen van Linschoten (1563 – 8 February 1611) was a Dutch merchant, trader, and historian who traveled extensively through the East Indies under Portuguese influence and served served six years as bookkeeper for the Archbishop of Goa (1583-89). He is credited with publishing important classified information about Asian trade and navigation that was kept as closely guarded secrets of the trade by the Portuguese.
In 1596, Linschoten published his Itinerario (later published in English as Discours of Voyages into Ye East & West Indies), which graphically displayed for the first time in Europe detailed maps of voyages to the East Indies, in particular the Indian Subcontinent.
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- Europe
A Cidade De Angra. Na Ilha De Iesu Xpoda Tercera Que Esta Em 39 Graos.
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- The first printed plan of the Atlantic frontier port of Angra in the Azores.
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- Arabia and the Red Sea, Asia
Deliniantur in hac Tabula, Orae Maritimae Abexiae, Freti Mecani; al Maris Rubri; Arabiae, Ormi, Persiae, Supra Sindam usq, Fluminis Indi, Cambriae India & Malabaris, Insulae, Ceylon
- Linschoten’s iconic 1596 navigational chart of the Indian Ocean in spectacular full color.
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- Africa
Typus orarum maritimarum Guineae, Manicongo & Angolae ultra Promentorium Bonae spei susq…
- Linschoten’s gorgeous 16th-century chart of West Africa and the Southern Atlantic.
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- Arabia and the Red Sea, Asia
Deliniantur in hac Tabula, Orae Maritimae Abexiae, Freti Mecani; al Maris Rubri; Arabiae, Ormi, Persiae, Supra Sindam usq, Fluminis Indi, Cambriae India & Malabaris, Insulae, Ceylon
- 1596 Navigational chart of the Indian Ocean in spectacular full color.
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- Arabia and the Red Sea, Asia, World
Deliniantur in hac Tabula, Orae Maritimae Abexiae, Freti Mecani; al Maris Rubri; Arabiae, Ormi, Persiae, Supra Sindam usq, Fluminis Indi, Cambriae India & Malabaris, Insulae, Ceylon
- Jan Huygens van Linschoten’s iconic navigational chart of the Indian Ocean in spectacular full color.
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