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- California
Map of Pacific Grove Properties Showing Lots which will be sold at Absolute Auction Sale…
- $800
- An early promotional map of Pacific Grove.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, United States
They’ve got an invisible program to end an undeclared war backed by a silent majority.
- $850
- A sharp anti-Vietnam War protest broadside that captured the zeitgeist of the time, matched the moment, and pulled no punches.
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- North America
Nord America mit Westindien.
- $475
- A detailed German map of North America providing the latest configuration of the American West.
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- Bay Area & Silicon Valley, California
Map of Alameda and East Bay Cities.
- $775
- A fantastic 1920s map of Alameda.
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- Europe, France & Switzerland
France revised and augmented the attires of the French and Situations of their Cheifest cityes observed.
- $2,200
- Speed’s stunning map of France, produced at the height of religious war in Europe.
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- Asia
Asia Divisa nelle sue Parti secondo lo stato presente.
- $5,200
- Perhaps the greatest 17th century atlas map of Asia.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea
Studio Geografi di Giovan Batista Nicolosi.
- $575
- The wonderful and intriguing title page for Nicolosi's magnum opus, Dell’ Ercole e Studio Geografico.
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- Europe, Spain & Portugal
Nova Descriptio Hispaniae.
- $3,800
- One of the finest maps of the Iberian Peninsula ever produced, in excellent original color.
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- World
Planisfero Del Mondo Vecchio, Descritto Dal P. Coronelli, Cosmographo Publico.
- $2,800
- Coronelli’s masterful planisphere of the Old World with touches of original color.
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- Eastern Mediterranean - Holy Land, Middle East - Holy Land Maps
Tabula Terre Sanctae.
- $1,900
- Fries' 1535 map of the Holy Land, based on the unobtainable Vesconte manuscript Crusade map.
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- Eastern Mediterranean - Holy Land, Middle East - Holy Land Maps
Abrahami Patriarchae Peregrinatio, Et Vita.
- $2,600
- Ortelius' exquisite map of the Holy Land, showcasing the Journey of Abraham in stunning detail.
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- Europe, Spain & Portugal
Acores Insulae.
- $950
- Discover the strategic and navigational significance of the 16th-century Azores with Ortelius' beautiful 1584 map from the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.