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- Featured Maps & Views, United States, Railroad Maps
Watson’s New Rail Road and Distance Map of the United States and Canada
- $4,500
- Watson’s New Rail Road and Distance Map of the United States and Canada.
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- Europe, Featured Maps & Views, Germany & the Netherlands
Nova Illustrissimi Principatus Pomeraniae Descriptio
- $27,000
- An exceptionally rare cartographic masterpiece — the finest and most important map of Pomerania, the plates of which were rediscovered in an attic after lost during the Thirty Years’ War.
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- Asia, Featured Maps & Views, Southeast Asia & Australia
Paskaerte Zynde t’Oosterdeel van Oost Indien, met Alle de Eylanden daer Ontrendt Geleegen van C. Comorin tot aen Japan
- $9,000
- An accomplished work of design and engraving: 1666 chart of Southeast Asia by Abraham Goos with original color.
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- Featured Maps & Views, San Francisco
San Francisco. from actual Surveys. 1850.
- $75,000
- A unique artifact of Gold Rush San Francisco, including one of San Francisco's most famous buried ships!
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- Featured Maps & Views, San Francisco
San Francisco. From California Street. Drawn from a Daguerreotype, the property of Eugene Delessert, Esq.re
- $8,000
- Spectacular Gold Rush era view of San Francisco published in Paris.
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- Featured Maps & Views, Africa, Asia, Arabia and the Red Sea
João Teixeira Cosmographo. De sua, Magestade. Aféz em Lixboa o Anno de 1649
- $6,000
- Rare 17th century portolan-style chart designed for use aboard Portuguese merchant vessels.