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- Featured Maps & Views, United States, East & Midwest United States
Gettysburg Battle-Field
- $5,500
- Bachelder's iconic 1863 view of the Battle of Gettysburg.
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- Arabia and the Red Sea, Featured Maps & Views, Middle East - Holy Land Maps
[Arabian Peninsula] Tabula Sexta de Asia.
- $75,000
- A first state of Francesco Berlinghieri's map of Arabia, showing the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina and the first depictions of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
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- East & Midwest United States, Featured Maps & Views
A MAP of the most INHABITED part of NEW ENGLAND, containing the PROVINCES of MASSACHUSETS BAY and NEW HAMPSHIRE, with the COLONIES of KONEKTIKUT AND RHODE ISLAND. Divided into Counties and Townships: The whole composed of Actual Surveys and its situation adjusted by ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS.
- $55,000
- Unobtainable first state of one of the most influential maps of New England ever made.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, Featured Maps & Views
Globi coelestis in tabulas planas redacti descriptio, auctore R. P. Ignatio Gastone Pardies Societatis Jesu mathematico. Opus postumum
- $15,500
- One of the rarest sets from the Golden Age of celestial cartography.
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- Featured Maps & Views, World
Carte Très Curieuse de la Mer du Sud, Contenant des Remarques Nouvelles et Tres Utiles non Seulement sur les Ports et Iles de Cette Mer.
- $16,000
- Henri Chatelain’s magnificent map of the Western Hemisphere in superb color and condition.
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- Bird's-eye-views, East & Midwest United States, Featured Maps & Views, Michael's Collection, United States
The Great Fire at Chicago. Octr. 8th 1871.
- $9,500
- Currier & Ives 1871 Great Chicago Fire.
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- Iran - Persia - Central Asia, Michael's Collection
[Persia & Mesopotamia] Tabula Quinta de Asia.
- $16,500
- One of the oldest maps of Persia and Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Civilizations.
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- Michael's Collection, Texas and The West
[1838 Republic of Texas manuscript document detailing the votes for elected office, including President].
- $9,500
- Original Republic of Texas referendum document stipulating the results of the 1838 election of a new president, signed by William Lockhart Hunter.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, Michael's Collection
Typus Religionis. Estampe, du tableau trouvé dans l’eglise, des ci-devant soi-disans-Jésuites de Billom en Auvergne, l’an 1762.
- $15,500
- A spectacularly gilded first edition of Moreau's allegory on the True Faith.
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- Featured Maps & Views, Polar - Arctic, World
Hemispheriu Ab Aequinoctli Linea, Ad Circulu Poli Arctici/ Hemispheriu Ad Circulu Poli Atarctici.
- $60,000
- A superb example of De Jode’s seminal polar projection of the world.
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- Featured Maps & Views, Turkey - Ottoman Empire
Prima Asiae Tabula.
- $14,500
- The first printed map of Turkey.
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- Featured Maps & Views, Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
Chart of the N. W. Coast of America and the N. E. Coast of Asia, Explored in the Years 1778 and 1779. Prepared by Lieut’t Henry Roberts, under the immediate Inspection of Capt. Cook.
- $8,500
- The "Legendary lost chart of Captain Cook" - Rare first edition.