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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, France & Switzerland
Omnium Regum Galliae usquae ad praesentem iccones.
- $2,800
- Duchetti’s extremely rare 16th-century broadsheet with 63 small busts of French kings from Faramund to Henry III.
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- Europe, France & Switzerland
France revised and augmented the attires of the French and Situations of their Cheifest cityes observed.
- $2,200
- Speed’s stunning map of France, produced at the height of religious war in Europe.
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- Europe, France & Switzerland
L’Helvetia o’ Paese de Suizzeri…
- $300
- A fine 17th-century map of Switzerland and parts of Italy, including Lake Como.
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- Europe, France & Switzerland
Lorraine. Lotharingiae Nova Descriptio.
- $450
- Old color Ortelius map of the Franco-German border region Lorraine.
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- Europe, France & Switzerland
Ducatus Burgundiae Nova Descriptio Divisa, Correcta, et Edita.
- $475
- A gorgeous, old color 17th-century map of the Bourgogne wine district.
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- France & Switzerland
- $225
- A wonderfully detailed mid-19th century map of France.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, Europe, France & Switzerland
[History of Technology] Wetterhorn Aufzug.
- $975
- Switzerland's First Aerial Cable Car!
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- France & Switzerland
Nouveau Plan Illustré de la Ville de Paris.
- $400
- A scarce third edition of Vuillemin’s illustrated map of Paris after the fortifications of Adolphe Thiers.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, Europe, France & Switzerland
[LA ROCHELLE] Il vero sito della Rocella hora occupata da heretici et Ribelli di sua Maestà Christianissima della Quale sono Assediati.
- $8,500
- Den of the Templars: a rare and exciting plan of the great French port of La Rochelle.
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- Bird's-eye-views, Europe, France & Switzerland
- $1,500
- 1638 Merian panorama of Paris -- first plate with a self-portrait.
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- Europe, France & Switzerland, World War I and World War II
Delimitation de la Zone Occupee [German Occupation of France]
- $1,000
- After the Fall of France: administrative map of German occupation published during World War II.
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- Bird's-eye-views, Europe, France & Switzerland
Klassischer Boden oder Malerisches Relief des Vierwaldstättersees / Plan Pittoresque du Lac des IV Cantons 1853. Lith Frères Eglin à Lucerne.
- $1,250
- Spectacular panoramic view of Lake Lucerne, with dynamic topographic relief and pictorial cities and towns.