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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
A Map for the City of Seattle and adjacent territory accompanying a report of MUNICIPAL PLANS COMMISSION.
- $1,200
- The famous ‘Bogue Plan’ of Seattle: an ambitious urban design for the city and environs from 1911.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
Mount St. Helen’s Quadrangle (7.5 Minute Series)
- $575
- Washington’s dramatic volcanic peak, taken a few years before the catastrophic 1980 eruption.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, Bird's-eye-views
Spokane. Washington.
- $4,500
- A scarce and gorgeous bird’s-eye-view of Spokane during its heyday as the railroad hub of the Northern Plains.
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- Bird's-eye-views, Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, Texas and The West
Yellowstone National Park. Northern Pacific Railway / Northern Pacific Railway Company for Yellowstone National Park Puget Sound and Alaska.
- $1,250
- A magnificent view of one of America's most majestic parks in its original envelope.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
Carte des Parties des Îles Sandwich & Carte des Îles Sandwich.
- $1,600
- History’s second mapping of Hawaii.
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- Americas, North America, Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, Texas and The West
Map of Oregon Territory.
- $550
- One of the earliest maps of Oregon Territory.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, Pictorial maps, United States
The Oregon Trail: The Highway of the Pioneers to the Pacific Northwest.
- $575
- William Forsyth McIlwraith’s vibrant and historically rich Oregon Trail map.
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- North America, Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, United States, Americas
A Chart of North and South America, Including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the nearest Coasts of Europe, Africa, and Asia
- $4,200
- Sayer-Bennet-Mead's 1775 chart of the Western Hemisphere with Pacific and Arctic routes of exploration.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, United States, Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe, Atlases & Books
Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. To which is added the conquest of Siberia and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China.
- $900
- The most comprehensive English assessment of Russian explorations in the Arctic and Pacific ever written.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
Map of Washington Territory West of the Cascade Mountains.
- $12,000
- The first large-format map of Washington Territory and a masterpiece of American cartography.
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- California, Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
Carte de la Partie de la Cote Nord-Ouest de L’Amerique Reconnue pendant Etes de 1792, 1793, et 1794.
- $1,200
- Vancouver's chart of America’s Pacific coastline: the first printed map to identify the Columbia River estuary and Vancouver Island.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
Carte Des Nouvelles Decouvertes Au Nord de la Mer de Sud, Tant a l’Est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatcka, Qu’a l’Ouest de la Nouvelle France, Dressee sur les Memoires…1750
- $1,800
- The Dezauche edition of Delisle's famed North Pacific map, with a giant Sea of the West and the dubious discoveries of Admiral de Fonte.
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