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- North America
Carte de l’Amerique et des Mers Voisines.
- $475
- Bellin's splendid rendition of the Americas at the end of the French & Indian War, with Le Petit Atlas Maritime's distinctive green tinting.
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- Pictorial maps, Texas and The West
Historic Kansas.
- $300
- A ‘prairie parallelogram covered with glamorous history’ -- F.A. Cooper’s vivacious mid-century pictorial map of historic Kansas.
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- East & Midwest United States, Texas and The West
Carte Générale des Etats-Unis, des Haut et Bas-Canada, de la Nouvelle Ecosse, du Nouvelle Brunswick, de Terre Neuve.
- $875
- Brué’s important map of the United States prior to the Mexican-American War, with an overtly independent Texas.
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- California, San Francisco
Railroad Map of the City of San Francisco California
- $650
- Documenting a rapidly expanding city: 1866 map of San Francisco.
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- Bay Area & Silicon Valley, Bird's-eye-views, California, Pictorial maps
Berkeley California.
- $750
- Rich pictorial bird's-eye-view of Berkeley, including the University of California.
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- Bird's-eye-views, California, San Francisco
San Francisco.
- $950
- Special 1974 pictorial map of San Francisco issued by the Mark Hopkins Hotel.
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- Asia, Southeast Asia & Australia
Descripcion De Las Indias Del Poniente.
- $6,500
- The first Spanish Map of the Philippines and Spice Islands.
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- Bird's-eye-views, East & Midwest United States, Featured Maps & Views, Michael's Collection, United States
The Great Fire at Chicago. Octr. 8th 1871.
- $9,500
- Currier & Ives 1871 Great Chicago Fire.
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- Bird's-eye-views, California, San Francisco
Site of Golden Gate-International Exposition: “A pageant of the Pacific”
- $1,200
- A masterfully-composed 1939 color panorama of San Francisco and its newly built bridges.
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- California, Southern California
Buenavista. Santa Barbara, California.
- $975
- A scarce 1930s Santa Barbara promotional booklet with two maps and an aerial photo fold-out.
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- Americas, North America
Descripcion De Las Yndias Del Norte.
- $2,800
- A rare early edition of Antonio de Herrera’s secret map of New Spain.
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- Pictorial maps, Texas and The West
Harveycar Motor Cruises Through the Great Southwest.
- $1,400
- A vibrant testimony to the birth of the American Road Trip.