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- Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean, East & Midwest United States, North America
Mare del Nord.
- $2,200
- A gorgeous full-color example of Coronelli's chart of the Eastern Seaboard and North Atlantic.
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- Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean
Atlantic Fleet. Guantanamo Bay from Radio Tower – U.S. Naval Station
- $800
- An evocative WW1 panoramic photograph of the U.S. Navy’s Atlantic Fleet stationed at their new base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
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- United States, East & Midwest United States, Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean
Carte Du Mexique Et Des Etats Unis d’Amerique, Partie Meridionale.
- $1,200
- An Early Mention of the United States of America.
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- Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean, East & Midwest United States, Texas and The West, United States
Carte Du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere Mississipi
- $1,800
- De l’Isle’s paradigm-setting chart of the Gulf of Mexico, the first accurate plotting of the full course of the Mississippi River.
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- Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean, East & Midwest United States
Carte Du Golphe Du Mexique Et Des Isles Antilles Reduite de la grande carte Angloise de Popple, Par PH. Buache…1780.
- $900
- Dezauche's exquisite chart of the Gulf Coast, Florida, and Caribbean Archipelago depicts a French Colonial Empire that is slowly falling apart.
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- Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean
Carta Esferica De Una Parte de la Costa Setentrional y Meridional de la Isla de Cuba…
- $725
- Excellent Spanish sea chart of western Cuba.
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- Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean
Cuba Insula [with] Hispaniola Insula [with] Insula Jamaica [with] Ins. S. Ioannis [with] I.S. Margareta Cum Confiniis
- $400
- Rare English edition of the Mercator-Hondius map of Carribean islands, including an inset of Havana.
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- Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean
Carta Esferica de una Parte de la Costa Setentrional y Meridional de la Isla de Cuba con el canal viejo de Bahamas y el de Santarén. Por el comandante General y oficiales….
- $800
- Rare 1836 Spanish sea chart around central Cuba with manuscript lighthouse notations.