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- Polar - Arctic
[Arctic Exploration] Nord Polar Karte von V. v. Haardt.
- $12,500
- The last great map of the North Pole before it was reached.
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- Polar - Arctic
Les deux poles arctique ou septentrional, et Antarctique ou meridional, ou description des terres arctiques et antarctiques, et des pays circomvoisins jusques aux 45 degres de latitude…1657
- $1,250
- An innovation in French cartography: Sanson's double polar projection from 1657.
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- Atlases & Books, Polar - Arctic
Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition made by Charles F. Hall: His Voyage to Repulse Bay, Sledge Journeys to the Straights of Fury and Hecla and to King William’s Land, and Residence Among the Eskimos During the Years 1864-’69.
- $850
- Charles F. Hall's Second Expedition to the Arctic with an extraordinary family provenance.
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- Polar - Arctic
Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio.
- $30,000
- History’s first dedicated map of the North Pole.
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- Featured Maps & Views, Polar - Arctic, World
Hemispheriu Ab Aequinoctli Linea, Ad Circulu Poli Arctici/ Hemispheriu Ad Circulu Poli Atarctici.
- $60,000
- A superb example of De Jode’s seminal polar projection of the world.
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- Atlases & Books, Polar - Arctic
Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1825, 1826, and 1827. [First Edition]
- $3,500
- The narrative of Captain John Franklin’s second great expedition into the Arctic Canadian wilderness.
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- Atlases & Books, Polar - Arctic
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22. [First Edition, First Issue]
- $3,000
- The narrative of Captain John Franklin’s first expedition to the Polar North. A landmark of historic travel literature from an icon in the history of Arctic exploration.
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- Polar - Arctic
Hemisphere Septentrional pour voir plus distinctement Les Terres Arctiques…
- $600
- Detailed Northern Hemisphere map by Covens & Mortier with the Latest Voyages.