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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe
Carte de l’Esclavage en U.R.S.S.
- $875
- An early map of Stalin’s horrific Gulag system by one of the most ardent critics of Communism in the United States.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe
Tabula Russia Vulgo Moscovia.
- $425
- A grand depiction of the Russian Empire by one of the best representatives of the Golden Age of Dutch cartography.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, United States, Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe, Atlases & Books
Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. To which is added the conquest of Siberia and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China.
- $900
- The most comprehensive English assessment of Russian explorations in the Arctic and Pacific ever written.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe, Bird's-eye-views
[PRAGUE] Wahrhaffte Contrafactur der Weit Berühmbten Königlichen Haupt Statt Prag in Böhmen, Wie Solche Jetziger Zeit im Wesen Steht / Praga.
- $1,400
- Merian’s spectacular view of Prague still reeling from the Swedish invasion and thirty years of religious war.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, Europe, Iran - Persia - Central Asia, Russia & Eastern Europe
Contro La Repressione e L’Imperialismo del Comunismo Sovietico.
- $750
- Italian Anti-Communist Poster protesting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the arrest of peace activist and nuclear physicist, Andrey Sakharov.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe
[Map of Steamship Routes and the Railways and Post Roads of the Russian Empire]
- $1,850
- In-progress construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway: a scarce wall map depicting the transportation network of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century.
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- Russia & Eastern Europe, Curiosities - Miscellanea
[Title in Russian] Russian Empire in the 18th Century (European Section)
- $675
- Educating school children during the Cold War: Soviet historical wall map of the Russian Empire in the 18th century.
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