Jean-Claude Dezauche was a well-known Paris map publisher who set up his shop around 1770. The foundation for the business was his acquisition of the archives of Guillaume De l’Isle and Philipe Buache, two of the most highly-renowned royal French cartographers.
Among Dezauche’s many lucrative contracts was a monopoly on selling the maps produced by the national Dèpôt de la Marine. When his son, Jean André Dezauche, took over the family business upon his father’s death, he inherited this contract.
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- United States, East & Midwest United States, Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean
Carte Du Mexique Et Des Etats Unis d’Amerique, Partie Meridionale.
- $1,200
- An Early Mention of the United States of America.
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- Texas and The West, East & Midwest United States
Carte De La Louisiane Et Du Cours Du Mississipi Avec Les Colonies Anglaises.
- $1,200
- Dezauche's 1782 map of colonial America: a map that blends Delisle's celebrated achievements with new features for the Revolutionary War.
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- Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska
Carte Des Nouvelles Decouvertes Au Nord de la Mer de Sud, Tant a l’Est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatcka, Qu’a l’Ouest de la Nouvelle France, Dressee sur les Memoires…1750
- $1,800
- Famed North Pacific map, with a giant Sea of the West and the dubious discoveries of Admiral de Fonte.
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- Americas, Cuba, West Indies, Caribbean, East & Midwest United States
Carte Du Golphe Du Mexique Et Des Isles Antilles Reduite de la grande carte Angloise de Popple, Par PH. Buache…1780.
- $900
- Dezauche's exquisite chart of the Gulf Coast, Florida, and Caribbean Archipelago depicts a French Colonial Empire that is slowly falling apart.
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- Americas, Canada and The Great Lakes
Carte du Canada qui comprend la partie septentrionale des Etats Unis d’Amérique.
- De l’Isle’s seminal rendition of Canada in the desirable Post-Revolution state!
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