Original antique maps of Southeast Asia & Australia.
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- Asia, Southeast Asia & Australia
Descripcion De Las Indias Del Poniente.
- $6,500
- The first Spanish Map of the Philippines and Spice Islands.
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- Asia, Southeast Asia & Australia
The British Colonies of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania Shewing the Latest Discoveries and Travellers Routes.
- $2,800
- Britain’s Austral Colonies in the Victorian Era.
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- Southeast Asia & Australia, Asia
Undecima Asiae Tabula.
- $7,000
- An early printed map of Southeast Asia from the first modern atlas.
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- Southeast Asia & Australia, Asia
The Progress of the Route 9 Campaign is Southern Laos.
- $900
- A large-format manuscript map of one of the decisive engagements of the latter part of the Vietnam War.
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- Asia, Southeast Asia & Australia
Archipel des Indes orientales qui comprend les isles de la Sonde, Moluques et Philippines
- $425
- An excellent example of the Vaugondy-Santini map of Southeast Asia.
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- Southeast Asia & Australia, Asia
[Cook’s Discovery of Eastern Australia] Carte de la Nle. Galles Merid. ou de la Cote Oriental de la Nle. Hollande.
- $1,500
- The first French edition of Cook's chart of New South Wales -- a landmark map for the cartography of Australia.
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- Southeast Asia & Australia, Asia
India Orientalis et Insulae Adiecentes.
- $875
- 1650 Merian map of Southeast Asia: a beautiful chart of one of the most important mercantile regions in the 17th century.
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- Asia, Southeast Asia & Australia
Moluccae Insulae Celeberrimae
- $850
- Blaeu's iconic map of the Spice Islands/Moluccas.
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- Southeast Asia & Australia, Asia, Bird's-eye-views
[Pair of views] Rade et Ville de Sincapour & Rade de Sincapour prise de la maison du Gouverneur
- $7,000
- Two of the earliest obtainable views of Singapore.
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- Asia, Southeast Asia & Australia
Insulae Iavae Pars Occidentalis Edente Hadriano Relando…Insulae Iavae Pars Orientalis Edente Hadriano Relando
- $4,000
- The beating heart of Dutch East India: a rare and beautiful second state of Gerard van Keulen’s visually overwhelming map of Java.
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- Asia, Featured Maps & Views, Southeast Asia & Australia
Paskaerte Zynde t’Oosterdeel van Oost Indien, met Alle de Eylanden daer Ontrendt Geleegen van C. Comorin tot aen Japan
- $9,000
- An accomplished work of design and engraving: 1666 chart of Southeast Asia by Abraham Goos with original color.
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- Southeast Asia & Australia, Asia
Le Royaume de Siam avec les Royaumes qui luy sont Tributaires…
- $525
- Gorgeous Dutch map of the southern Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java.