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- East & Midwest United States, Featured Maps & Views, United States
Gettysburg Battle-Field
- $5,500
- Bachelder's iconic 1863 view of the Battle of Gettysburg.
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- Americas, Mexico - Central & South America
Lima, Ciudad de los Reyes, Corte y Emporio del Imperio Peruano.
- $6,500
- The first printed map of Lima.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, France & Switzerland
Omnium Regum Galliae usquae ad praesentem iccones.
- $2,800
- Duchetti’s extremely rare 16th-century broadsheet with 63 small busts of French kings from Faramund to Henry III.
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- North America, Americas, Mexico - Central & South America
Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio.
- $4,800
- Ortelius’ decisive mapping of the Western Hemisphere.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, World
Messages Under The Ocean
- $375
- A detailed look at the telegraph as the first global system of communication.
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- San Francisco
San Francisco
- $375
- A panoramic view of San Francisco with graphic key to identify landmarks.
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- California, San Francisco
South San Francisco. Issued By The South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co.
- $2,600
- Large-format circa 1892 Rand McNally promoting the development of South San Francisco.
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- United States, Pictorial maps
Pony Express Route April 3, 1860 – October 24, 1861
- $375
- A vivid 1961 pictorial commemoration of the Pony Express centennial.
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- Turkey - Ottoman Empire, Bird's-eye-views
Byzantium nunc Constantinopolis.
- $3,000
- Gorgeous original color 1582 bird's-eye-view of Istanbul.
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- Bird's-eye-views, Europe, Italy
- $3,500
- Gorgeous 1577 Braun & Hogenberg bird's-eye-view of Venice.
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- Arabia and the Red Sea, Featured Maps & Views, Middle East - Holy Land Maps
[Arabian Peninsula] Tabula Sexta de Asia.
- $75,000
- A first state of Francesco Berlinghieri's map of Arabia, showing the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina and the first depictions of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
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- East & Midwest United States, Featured Maps & Views
A MAP of the most INHABITED part of NEW ENGLAND, containing the PROVINCES of MASSACHUSETS BAY and NEW HAMPSHIRE, with the COLONIES of KONEKTIKUT AND RHODE ISLAND. Divided into Counties and Townships: The whole composed of Actual Surveys and its situation adjusted by ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS.
- $55,000
- Unobtainable first state of one of the most influential maps of New England ever made.
All maps in stock, sorted by latest.