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- Eastern Mediterranean - Holy Land
The Haram es-Sharif.
- $475
- A ground-breaking architectural plan of the Haram al-Sharif / Temple Mount.
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- California
Plan De La Baie De Monterey Situee Dans La Californie Septentrionale…
- $675
- The earliest acquirable map of the Bay of Monterey.
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- World
Neueste Karte Der Erde Mit Rucksicht auf das Beurfniss des Handelstandes sowie fur den Unterricht An Lehr-Anstalten…
- $1,250
- A rare and updated world map from a pioneer in commerce- and industry-oriented cartography.
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- Asia
INDES, Colonies Anglaises.
- $500
- Dufour’s Map of British and Portuguese Colonies on the Indian Subcontinent.
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- Eastern Mediterranean - Holy Land
Ierusalem, et suburbia eius, sicut tempore Christi floruit…
- $3,300
- A magnificent High Renaissance plan of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period.
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- Americas, North America, United States
Charte Von Nord America Entworfen und gezeichnet von C.G. Reichard…Erganztr und nach den neuern Entdeckungen desr Hrn. Lewis, Clarke n. Pike…1817.
- $1,600
- A noteworthy and era-specific snapshot of North American geography and exploration during the early 19th century.
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- Iran - Persia - Central Asia
[Great Game] Map of Aderbeijan compiled principally from personal observations and surveys made in the years 1851-55 by N. Khanikof…
- $2,400
- Russian Orientalist Nikolai Khanykov’s map of Greater Azerbaijan.
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- Americas, Canada and The Great Lakes
Carte des Lacs du Canada Dresse sur les Manuscrits du Depost des Carts, Plans et Journaux de la Marine et sur le Journal de RP. De Charlevoix.
- $3,200
- A cornerstone map for the cartography of the Great Lakes.
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- World
Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux Plans-Hemispheres ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes Les Parties De La Terre et de L’Eau, Suivant les Relations Les Plus Nouvelles.
- $4,500
- Jaillot’s famous double-hemisphere in original color and with gold highlights.
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- Polar - Arctic
[Arctic Exploration] Nord Polar Karte von V. v. Haardt.
- $12,500
- The last great map of the North Pole before it was reached.
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- Asia
Carte Génerale de l’Empire Chinois et du Japon.
- $250
- Brué’s map of two disintegrating Asian empires: Qing China and the isolationist Japan of the Tokugawa Shogunate.