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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, World
Messages Under The Ocean
- $375
- A detailed look at the telegraph as the first global system of communication.
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- Featured Maps & Views, World
Carte Très Curieuse de la Mer du Sud, Contenant des Remarques Nouvelles et Tres Utiles non Seulement sur les Ports et Iles de Cette Mer.
- $16,000
- Henri Chatelain’s magnificent map of the Western Hemisphere in superb color and condition.
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- World
La Seconde Table Generale Selon Ptol.
- $1,500
- With a land bridge connecting Africa and Asia, a massive Sri Lanka, the Mountains of the Moon, and more!
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- World
Terres Australes par P. Du Val.
- $4,800
- Gonneville Land and Terre de Perroquets: Du Val’s early map of Australia and the southern Indian Ocean.
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- World
Karte von Englands Länderraub und Weltknechtung.
- $2,400
- [Persuasive Cartography] German WWI propaganda map showing ‘England’s subjugation of the world.’
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- World
Comparative Resources of the Belligerent Powers at the Outbreak of Hostilities.
- $875
- Statistical map of military, economic, and geopolitical resources during World War I.
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- World
Carta Marina Nuova Tavola.
- $1,600
- With California attached to Asia and Canada attached to Europe!
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- World
Planisfero Del Mondo Vecchio, Descritto Dal P. Coronelli, Cosmographo Publico.
- $2,800
- Coronelli’s masterful planisphere of the Old World with touches of original color.
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- World
Americæ sive Indiæ Occidentalis Tabula Generalis.
- $1,200
- “…arguably the finest depiction of the Americas published in the seventeenth century.” (Burden, p. 248)
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- World
Erdkarte von E. Von Sydow.
- $3,500
- Von Sydow’s geophysical wall map of the world and its currents.
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- World
Neueste Karte Der Erde Mit Rucksicht auf das Beurfniss des Handelstandes sowie fur den Unterricht An Lehr-Anstalten…
- $1,250
- A rare and updated world map from a pioneer in commerce- and industry-oriented cartography.
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- World
Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux Plans-Hemispheres ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes Les Parties De La Terre et de L’Eau, Suivant les Relations Les Plus Nouvelles.
- $4,500
- Jaillot’s famous double-hemisphere in original color and with gold highlights.