Samuel Lewis (c. 1754-1822) was an engraver and cartographer who emigrated from Dublin to North America. Here he settled in Philadelphia and partnered up with two of the city’s most important publishers: Matthew Carey and Henry Schenk Tanner. Lewis worked as a geographer, draftsman, and mapmaker, and made substantial contributions to Mathew Carey’s seminal American Atlas (1797).

Later, Samuel Lewis would also collaborate with London mapmaker Aaron Arrowsmith on several important works, including an American edition of Arrowsmith’s impressive world map. For the Arrowsmith map, as well as his War of 1812 masterpiece, Lewis used the well-known Philadelphia publisher T.L. Plowman.

Samuel Lewis should not be confused with the London publisher Samuel Lewis the Elder (1782-186) who was behind several topographical works on Great Britain and Ireland.

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