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- Texas and The West
Karte von Texas entworfen nach den Vermessungen, welche in den Acten der General-Land-Office der Republic liegen bis zum Jahr 1839 von Richard S. Hunt & Jesse F. Randel…1841.
- $6,000
- A rare German capture of the young Republic of Texas.
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- Rare Maps of Curiosities - Miscellanea
Diario del Gobierno de la Republica Mexicana. Tome VII, Num. 697 [&] El Exmo. Sr. vice-presidente interino de los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos… Valentin Gómez Farías… sabed: …Sr. Presidente intorno D. Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna, para mandar en persona y como general en gefe las fuerzas del ejécito…
- $2,200
- Two rare official documents showcasing General Santa Anna’s pivotal role in the Texas Revolution and Mexican-American War.
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- Rare Maps of Curiosities - Miscellanea, United States
Farewell Address of Andrew Jackson to the People of the United States.
- $2,650
- Printed silk broadside of President Andrew Jackson’s 1837 farewell address.
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- Michael's Collection, Texas and The West
[1838 Republic of Texas manuscript document detailing the votes for elected office, including President].
- $9,500
- Original Republic of Texas referendum document stipulating the results of the 1838 election of a new president, signed by William Lockhart Hunter.
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- Atlases & Books, Texas and The West
Three Years in Texas. Including a View of the Texan Revolution, and an Account of the Principal Battles, Together With Descriptions of the Soil, Commercial and Agricultural Advantages.
- $38,000
- Streeter's own copy of what he considered to be the most sought-after book for the Texas Revolution as a whole.