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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe
Carte de l’Esclavage en U.R.S.S.
- $875
- An early map of Stalin’s horrific Gulag system by one of the most ardent critics of Communism in the United States.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe
Tabula Russia Vulgo Moscovia.
- $425
- A grand depiction of the Russian Empire by one of the best representatives of the Golden Age of Dutch cartography.
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- Atlases & Books, Europe, Pacific Northwest - Hawaii - Alaska, Russia & Eastern Europe, United States
Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. To which is added the conquest of Siberia and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China.
- $900
- The most comprehensive English assessment of Russian explorations in the Arctic and Pacific ever written.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe, Bird's-eye-views
[PRAGUE] Wahrhaffte Contrafactur der Weit Berühmbten Königlichen Haupt Statt Prag in Böhmen, Wie Solche Jetziger Zeit im Wesen Steht / Praga.
- $1,400
- Merian’s spectacular view of Prague still reeling from the Swedish invasion and thirty years of religious war.
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- Curiosities - Miscellanea, Europe, Iran - Persia - Central Asia, Russia & Eastern Europe
Contro La Repressione e L’Imperialismo del Comunismo Sovietico.
- $750
- Italian Anti-Communist Poster protesting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the arrest of peace activist and nuclear physicist, Andrey Sakharov.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe
Novorossiysk, with insets of Tuapse and Batumi, Soviet Navy Nautical Chart [Порт Новороссийск]
- $975
- Cold War-era Soviet Navy Nautical Chart of Ukraine.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe
From the Port of Anapa to Dzhubga Bay, Soviet Navy Nautical Chart [От Порта Анапа до Бухты Джубга]
- $475
- Cold War-era Soviet Navy Nautical Chart of the northeastern coast of the Black Sea.
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- Europe, Russia & Eastern Europe, Railroad Maps
[Map of Steamship Routes and the Railways and Post Roads of the Russian Empire]
- $1,850
- In-progress construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway: a scarce wall map depicting the transportation network of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century.
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- Russia & Eastern Europe, Curiosities - Miscellanea
[Title in Russian] Russian Empire in the 18th Century (European Section)
- $675
- Educating school children during the Cold War: Soviet historical wall map of the Russian Empire in the 18th century.
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